ISRO's solar mission 'Aditya' is on track for launch in September, according to ISRO chief Somanath's recent announcement.

Source : jagranjosh

The mission, named after the Sun god, aims to study the Sun's outermost layer, called the corona, and its impact on space weather.

Source : jagranjosh

'Aditya' is equipped with advanced instruments to observe the Sun's atmosphere and gather critical data about its dynamics and emissions.

Source : ISRO

Understanding solar activities and their influence on Earth's environment is crucial for space weather predictions and satellite operations.

Source : ISRO

The mission's launch will be facilitated by ISRO's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), showcasing India's prowess in space technology.

Source : ISRO

'Aditya' is set to operate in a unique orbit around the L1 Lagrange point, providing continuous observation of the Sun without Earth's interference.

Source : ISRO

The data collected by 'Aditya' will contribute to studying phenomena like solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and their potential impacts.

Source : ISRO

India's foray into solar exploration highlights its commitment to advancing space research and contributing to global scientific knowledge.

Source : ISRO

The launch of 'Aditya' will mark another milestone in ISRO's impressive track record of successful space missions.

Source : ISRO

Source : ISRO